*Click to play and again to pause*
This is such a weird and amazing song that I came across randomly. I love moths. So I really love this song. I think the message is great too, though a bit hidden. I interpret it as accepting your flaws and doing whatever you set your mind too anyways.
What a Bop. This song is about a father who is talking about being excited to get to know his new kid. I don't know how a deep topic can be such a energetic song.
This song talks about a lot of heavy topics in a really creative and poetic way. Danny talks about some of the issues people in his life have dealt with, cancer, questioning religion, bipolar disorder. It's stuck with me since I heard it on the Welcome to Nightvale podcast.
Yes, this is from Spongebob. This song is the anthem is of my childhood, and is a contender to be played at my funeral.